Need help?
Most issues can be solved using our live chat service.
If you need to cancel a booking, please click here and check out this article for more information.
To speak with the team, click on the chat icon in the bottom right of your screen. Odi, the ODEON Virtual Assistant can help with almost anything you could need.
Live Agents are available each day between 10.15am - 4:30pm
Alternatively, you can call us:
If you're a myLIMITLESS member needing help with your membership, call us on our myLIMITLESS helpline: 1800 937 500 - Monday-Saturday 10.15am until 4:30pm.
For anything else you can call our Guest Service helpline: 016 869 460 - Monday-Saturday 10.15am until 4:30pm.
If you require assistance with Disability and Accessibility bookings please call our Accessibility helpline: 0818 021 075 - Monday-Sunday 10.15am until 4:30pm.
If you are contacting us about changing, cancelling or refunding your booking and are a myODEON or myLIMITLESS member, you can cancel a booking you have made as long as the film is not starting within 2 hours.